Wristcutters: A Love Story - 2006 - Goran Dunkic

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The film takes place in a surreal kind of purgatory filled with people who have killed themselves. No one can smile, no bright colours, everything is drab and dull. Zia(Patrick Fugit arrive after offing himself. The first thing he notices is that everything is pretty much the same, only a little worse. Zia meets Eugene, a man who's whole family is in this world, and Mikal, a girl who insists that she does not belong in the world. The three of them travel long the highway, Zia searching for his girlfriend who offed shortly after he did, and Mikal looking for the people in charge so she can go home. While driving at night the group almost runs over a man lying in the road. After a conversation with the man, Kneller(Tom Waits brilliant), about why he was sleeping in the middle of the road, he was looking for his dog, then everyone goes back to Kneller's camp. At Kneller's camp everyone except Zia has the abblity to perform little, inconsequential miracles. Zia becomes obsessed with the miracles and wonders why he is the only one who cannot perform any. One of the campers finds out that Kneller's dog is staying with Messiah King(Will Arnett), a man who says he will perform a real miracle. At King's place Zia finds his girlfriend, they see the miracle and the whole show is busted by the P.I.C.s(people in charge) who take Mikal. The ending is on the predictable side but it works.

Some of the little things in the film work very well. For example, when Zia first goes to the bar and he and the girls are playing the guessing game the song playing is "Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division, Ian Curtis the lead singer committed suicide. The fact that nothing is growing in this world. Everything is self consistent, until the ending where the need of a happy ending gets in the way.


katie said…
I really liked this movie, it was predictable but had some amusing twists like the car with the "black hole floor". Your critic was right on the mark but left me wondering what your opinion was.

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