Definitely, Maybe - 2008 - Adam Brooks
Preciousness is the Achilles' heel of the modern American romantic comedy. The formula is always the same and that is what we want as an audience. Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy and girl get together in the end and along the way we get a few laughs and a couple of Hallmark moments. There is nothing wrong with a formula movie but, it does mean that you need something other than the story to hook the viewer. The hook that makes Definitely, Maybe worth watching is the absolutely charming cast. Ryan Reynolds is the perfect leading man, funny, handsome and believable through the ups and downs that story needs. The three leading ladies Elizabeth Banks, Rachel Weisz and Isla Fisher all fit their parts well and even if you can see where the story is headed, you should be able to root for one of them. And then you have the personification of adorable Abigail Breslin, pushing the story forward. It all adds up to a feel good movie that never rises above the trapping of the genre in that we must have a precious ending but, overall it should put a smile on your face.